Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Duck Hunt: Nate Legsdin

Name: Nathan Legsdin
Age: 25
Home: Various cities throughout
Inspiration: People. The subject matter is endless and
when someone gets hyped on something you
shot, that just pushes you keep doing what you love.
Setup: HVX200, Century Xtreme Fisheye, the sun.

Trick: Backside Disaster
Skater: Justin Clement, It’s the colors! This pic just
comes together well overall. It was one of those
overcast days that look depressing as fuck out but for
pics it just looks…apocalyptic? Plus with the graffiti
and prolly one of the hardest tricks you
could do on this thing, it just works.
Spot: Pembroke, NH

Trick: Switch 5-0
Skater: John Desimas, A few issues back Thrasher had an
article with the Real team where there was a photo of James
Hardy doing the same trick. I really only chose
this pic to give John the recognition of doing it
first. It’s fitting considering the whole “duck hunt”
idea. Unless you have a name or shoot with
someone who has a name no one is
interested. Cest la vie though right?
Spot: Boston, MA

Trick: Switch Backside Heelflip
Skate: Dave Bachinsky, Y’all know Dave! nuff said.
Spot: Lawrence, MA

Trick: Ollie
Skater: Brian Kennedy, BK charges, there’s no question.
On our way back from Cali last year I let him take
wheel for a bit only to wake up to my car making
some obnoxious noise because he’d been doing a
buck an change for a few hours. This is at the
Navy Yards in Boston and is one of the most
massive things I’ve seen anyone skate.
Spot: Boston, MA

If you Like these photos and want to let him
know or are in the area and want to shoot
some photos hit him up!



1 comment:

  1. Im confused, his setup is a video camera? but hes talking about photos
